Business Management

How Do You Write a Business Letter?

Time is money when it comes to running a business. So when you sit down to write a business letter,…

What Are the Parts in a Business Letter?

If you own or run a small business long enough, the odds are that you are going to have to…

Business Letter Formats: How to Write a Business Letter That Gets Results

How to Format a Business Letter Communicating these days is about sending an email, typing out a text message or…

Bathrooms for Customers Only? You May Want to Reconsider

For as long as I can remember, most businesses seem to have had the same restroom policy: Bathrooms are for…

5 Rules for Succeeding on Social Media

The social media world has changed significantly over just the past few years —and it will keep changing in the…

Ditch the Mentor: Choose an Accountability Partner Instead

Here's an all-too-familiar scenario: You're feeling stuck in your business yet you're fresh out of creative ideas. Or maybe you…

Setting SMART Goals: The 5 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make

Let's talk about goals and your game plan, because it's time to move on from dreams and vision boards to…

The Best Time of Day to Make Critical Business Decisions

There's truth behind the phrase, "sleep on it." As a small business owner, every decision you make impacts your business,…

4 Ways Delegating Can Grow Your Business

As a small business owner, you need to be working on your business, not in your business. Making calculated, strategic…

How to Keep Your Small Biz Running Without You in 5 Steps

If you're a hands-on small business owner, it's crucial to plan for a day when a crisis — a sudden…