
How Much Do You Need to Make Before Paying Taxes?

Our jobs bring us different incomes and, therefore, different personal income tax requirements. That being said, the majority of Americans…

What Is Accounts Receivable?

What Is Accounts Receivable and Why Does it Matter to Your Business So, what is accounts receivable, and why does…

What Does the Net Present Value (NPV) Tell You?

As a small business owner focused on success, you may reach a point where you're looking at acquiring new equipment…

Three Mistakes to Avoid When Calculating a Discounted Cash Flow

I'll admit that, particularly in the last few years, not many of my clients have used the discounted cash flow…

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make?

As you search for jobs, you may find yourself trying to determine what skill set you have that will make…

Breathe New Life Into Your Small Business With Side Hustles

You can remember a time when your business was thriving: Funds flowed in, business was booming, you showed up for…

6 Questions to Ask Before Buying Into the Next Big Tech Thing

In the small tech world, it seems like there's always some software, hardware, service, or gadget that is claiming to…

What Is Discounted Cash Flow?

Basics of Discounted Cash Flow Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) is a method of estimating what an asset is worth today…

Ways to Make Money Online

Identify Ideas and Ways to Make Money Online  Making money starts with knowing what’s out there. The key to success…

5 Ways to Work More Efficiently With Your Tax Preparer

Here's the trick to make your accountant love you: Don't think about what she can be doing for you. Instead,…