Cash Flow

How to Get a Business Loan With Bad Credit

Many small business owners turn to loans to help get their business off the ground or to finance an equipment…

6 Great Financing Moves Plus 3 Moves to Avoid

The good news is that 2021's financing environment is strong. Capital is readily available, and the economy is doing pretty…

Let’s Talk About Inventory And Your Cash Flow

The more inventory you have, the less cash you will have. It's as simple as that. Inventory is the biggest…

3 Sources of Cash Small Businesses Can Tap Right Now

I've been writing a lot about getting cash from the government to help manage through the serious economic downturn we've…

Profit vs Cash Flow: Does Cash Flow Mean Profit?

When it comes to business financial terminology, it's easy to confuse cash flow with profit. After all, both terms mean…

What Does Cash Flow Mean in Business? How Much Is Too Much Cash?

Every small business owner knows that cash is king. Keeping cash flowing is critical to the survival and eventual success…

How to Prepare a Cash Flow Statement

What Is a Cash Flow Statement? A cash flow statement breaks down the various types of inflows and outflows of…

What Are the Different Types of Cash Flows?

Cash flow is the money that streams in and out of your small business—and it's a key indicator of your…

What Are Multiple Streams of Income?

Having multiple streams of income means that a person is receiving income from several residual or passive income streams at…

What Is a Cash Flow Statement?

A cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows how much money is going in and out of your…