5 Creative Ways to Give Thanks to Your Customers and Employees

’Tis the season to be thankful and express our gratitude to others. Thanks extended regularly can generate good will and make your business memorable. And that can lead to more business with customers, greater productivity among employees and maybe even faster payments from your business partners.

Here are some small ways to give big thanks, and they don’t have to cost a lot.

Offer perks, prizes or pick-me-ups

Everyone likes a gift – especially when it’s unexpected. These ideas can be a win-win for the recipient and your business:

  • Gift cards, discount coupons and special deliveries for your customers or vendors reward loyalty, can help bring in repeat business, and are a good way to promote your services and products.
  • Employee rewards, whether tangible or not. A holiday bonus or even a small monetary gesture of appreciation can go a long way with employees. An extra (paid) day off around the holidays can also give time-pressed staff a much deserved break. Sometimes a little extra time is the most valuable.

Make it personal with a card or a call

If you are recognizing someone specific, make sure it’s sincere and timely. Expressing your thanks in writing or a personal phone call is one way to do just that. The person will know you took the time to go the extra mile.

“A handwritten note is a powerful tool for small businesses,” says Emily Carter, state director of the Connecticut Small Business Development Center. “Taking the time to follow up with a personal message will strengthen your relationship with customers and help you to stand apart from your competition.”

A phone call can do the same. With the prevalence of electronic communication, sometimes just hearing a real voice on the other end can have special meaning.

Give a shout-out social media style

Leveraging social media platforms, such as your company’s Facebook page or Twitter feed, is a great way to show public recognition to many people at once. Launch a mini thank-you campaign. Design and share a photo thanking your supporters. You could also post or tweet a list of the top ten things your business is thankful for.

Celebrate those who helped make the year a success

Holiday season usually means busy budget season for businesses. Planning festivities might be the last thing on your mind. But hosting an appreciation event doesn’t have to mean splashing out on a lavish soiree.

Consider these low-cost options for your employees:

  • Potluck it! A potluck party can be fun and inexpensive. Make your event employee-only and encourage everyone to make their favorite dish.
  • Wait until the offseason. You’ll be able to negotiate a better deal with popular holiday venues in January.

For your customers and vendors:

  • Host an open house. To help draw visitors, offer a main attraction, such as a wine tasting or raffle prizes for the first 50 customers.
  • Deliver a fruit basket, floral arrangement or holiday goodies to select clients.

A little goes a long way

However you choose to say thank you, remember this: gratitude is infectious and a little goes a long way. Plant the seeds of appreciation now and set the tone for a prosperous year.

What tips do you have on the best ways to say thanks? Share your ideas with us by posting a comment below.

Small Biz Ahead:

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  • If yes, I think customers will be happy if you remember their special days, like birthdays. I like to save important dates in my calendar and notes, you can find a lot of apps that can do that on apkdownload. Your article is very good, please share more.

  • I absolutely love this article and would like to feature it in my non-profits quarterly newsletter. Who could I talk to in order to make this happen?

  • We have been working with clients that now want to do Drive-Thru Holiday Parties! The employees drive thru the company parking lot with different stations with gifts, prizes, Santa and our Espresso Bar! I love how creative people are being!

  • My company has become quite creative in using Zoom. Last week we had our annual retreat online and it was great to use breakout rooms to catch up. This year our after hour activity was a Mixology class via Zoom and everyone received a Charcuterie Goody Box so that we could snack while making and drinking alcohol and non-alcohol drinks.

    We also do a Friday Fun Lunch once a month via Zoom. Many delivery services (ie.. Doordash, GrubHub) have created plans that allow individuals to order their food online under one account although the delivery addresses are different.

    These activities have kept our Team connected and engaged during a very challenging period.

  • Through the "new normal" we've realized how much we've taken for granted as a company. Realizing not everyone has the same corporate dynamics, I thought it important to mention that we employee a little over 20 full time employees, and all have their own office space (excluding shipping department) so it's really easy to socially distance. Fortunately, we have a President that cares deeply about his work family and supports our personal lives so has made it a practice to have the events I'm about to list during the regular M-F work week. Everyone works hard and makes sure tasks stay on track.

    Our norm before COVID: monthly potluck luncheons made up of two teams (so basically you relax on your month off and didn't have to cook). The corporation pays an hour for us to come together and enjoy each others company, as well as the variety of food offerings (gone). A potluck Thanksgiving meal with everyone on board (gone). An annual summer outing for employee and one guest, (as an example, look up Cabbage Island Clam Bakes, Maine) scheduled on a Friday, paid for by the corporation, with an additional 4 hours paid to attend (gone). An annual August potluck BBQ picnic on our company grounds (gone). Monthly LUNCHEON year end party at a nice restaurant (chosen by employees), paid for by the corporation, which included 4 hours of extra PTO to attend, with fun gift swap (gone).

    We're a company that doesn't deal face to face with the public. but take web, phone and fax orders from around the U.S., have international distributors, so it was a sacrifice not to have someone available to answer phones or emails at these paid hour, and half-day events. But you know what? Our customers LOVE that we treat our employees so well, so didn't mind us not being readily available on these few instances. Employees give at several of the events, but the corporation gives something to offset and show its appreciation. Each event built moral and brought employees and departments together.

    The quandary: What to do year-end with the new norm after already feeling like we've sacrificed so much? We're ordering in individual meals so employees can eat in their own space without the fear of physically distancing. For those who choose to participate, departments are having their own internal gift swap, as well as managers buying a gift out of their own pockets for the employees they manage. Also, where Christmas lands on a Friday, we're gifting employees 4 hours PTO on the 24th. Even though we've lost business due to a mandated shutdown, we're still going to budget in year end bonuses.

    Although no "family" is perfect, we have very little employee turnover. A long line of individuals in the community who would love to get their foot in the door. There have been the few "takers" and "complainers" who haven't worked out, but ultimately you reap what you sew into your employees.

    Hope his helps other companies with ideas going forward! :)

  • My crew are all part-timers, so they aren't working with each other every day. Holidays are our busiest time. So, we usually wait until after the holidays, and have an evening dinner at a fine steakhouse/seafood restaurant. Spouses welcome and encouraged. They all look forward to the event.

  • Due to COVID I am pondering what to do for our employees for 2020. We are a small (10 person) family-owned business. Weekly we provide a Friday treat (cookies, muffins, fresh fruit, etc.) and with Covid we have tended to buy individually-wrapped treats (including bananas, mandarin oranges, as well as baked goods that come wrapped). Throughout the year we have a treat to recognize an employee's birthday. For the winter holidays we have had a lunch on our last day before closing (from just before Christmas until the first work day after new years). After the lunch we give everyone their holiday bonus and paychecks for the break.
    For this year perhaps we will add a paid holiday to everyone's last paycheck but I'm still trying to figure out the best option. I'm eager to hear what others might be doing.

  • Our clients are the backbone of our small company. Every December we give large poinsettia plants and they are so appreciated as most are no longer allowed to accept gifts.

  • CA$H is the best way I've found to say thanks. In the case of my customers it's usually a "free" purchase when they least expect it!

  • I like these ideas they are very helpful. The company I used to work for had a chili competition where employees brought their best pot of chili. We all got to taste and judge it. The winner got a jar of money that the staff contributed to in order to participate ($1-$2) in the competition. The upper management team also threw in some extra money and bonus company logoed gifts to make the reward more appealing. I thought it was fun and it didn't cost too much for the business or the employees.

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