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Bullying doesn’t just happen to kids on the playground. It happens among adults in the workplace, too. The signs may seem innocent enough—a belittling comment, a roll of the eyes, simple rudeness—but such behavior repeated over time can be harmful to employees on the receiving end, impairing their morale and ability to do their jobs.
Bullying is often subtle and insidious, and can pass under the radar of even the most astute managers. Research shows that one in four employees have experienced abusive conduct at work and another 21% have witnessed it. Here’s how you can be alert to the signs and ready to respond with corrective action.
Know the Signs
According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, bullying can take the form of verbal abuse; threatening, humiliating or intimidating conduct; and work interference (sabotage) that gets in the way of productivity. Just like on the playground, bullying often starts when one person starts picking on someone else and enlists others to join in. It can also occur, however, with no witnesses present.
Common bullying tactics include:
Know the Effects
Bullying can take a powerful toll on its victims, with effects that last long after they leave work each day. They may experience heightened levels of stress which can lead to a host of physical problems ranging from insomnia and headaches to digestive problems and the increased risk of heart disease. Emotionally, bullied employees may feel:
This can impede their ability to perform on the job and cause a drop in morale and productivity. They’re more likely to become disengaged from their work, call in sick and even quit their jobs. Workplace bullying can also increase workers’ compensation claims and prompt disgruntled employees to file lawsuits against you.
Ultimately, bullying affects the overall health of your organization and everyone who works for you, and can cost your business dearly.
Intervene When Necessary
Bullying won’t remedy itself. Nor will wishful thinking or turning a blind eye and deaf ear to tensions within your workplace. Be sensitive to bullying behavior and look out for evidence that it’s occurring. Respectfully intervene on the spot if you observe any offending behavior. If grievances are reported, take them seriously and act promptly. The sooner you respond, the sooner you can prevent an uncomfortable situation from escalating into a crisis.
Confronting a difficult employee can be challenging, but constructive change is possible if you tackle the issue calmly and directly using the following steps:
Create a Workplace Policy
Current law does not specifically protect employees from bullying behavior, so perpetrators may get away with it unless you have a workplace policy in place. A bullying policy is an essential preventive measure that provides you with recourse should the offending behavior occur.
Include these key topics in your policy:
Educate your entire staff on your policies. Have them read and sign a code of conduct built upon respect and professionalism within your workplace, and consistently enforce it. By doing so, you will be on your way to cultivating a supportive atmosphere that lets your employees know they can come to you if they feel they are not being treated fairly.
Know the Law
By itself, a case of workplace bullying will not hold up in a court of U.S. law. Bullying can become illegal, however, when it crosses the line into discrimination or harassment. Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate based on:
Some state laws protect additional traits such as gender identity, marital status and sexual orientation.
An employee who believes any one of these characteristics factored into workplace bullying can file a hostile work environment lawsuit against you. If the workplace bully threatens physical harm, your employee can sue for assault.
The cost of bullying is high. The best way to discourage it is to take the lead in creating a culture of respect, kindness and open communication—and take action on bad behavior immediately, before it worsens.