
What Can Small Business Owners Learn from the Kardashians?

From their attention-seeking antics to their extravagant lifestyle, there's no doubt that the Kardashians know how to steal the spotlight.…

How to Find a Reputable Accountant For Your Small Business

Whether you need someone to see how well your business stacks up against the competition or you simply need someone…

Should You Hire Your Kid At Your Small Business?

Have you ever considered hiring your son or daughter to work for your small business? While many business owners might…

How Do I Figure Out How Much a Job is Costing Me?

Have you ever wondered whether the jobs or assignments that your small business takes on are actually profitable? While it's…

How Do You Handle a Late-Paying Client?

There are few things more frustrating for a small business owner than a client who refuses to pay on time.…

Is Market Research Useful For a Small Business?

For many small business owners, market research serves as an important tool that enables them to predict their potential success…

Should You Give Yourself a Performance Review?

Providing performance reviews of your employees is never easy, especially when the employee in question is you! With so many…

When Should I Fire This Client? And What Should I Say? With Felicia Sullivan

While it's tempting to believe that a small business owner should be able to accommodate even the most demanding of…

How to Find More Clients for a Commercial Cleaning Service?

Are you interested in finding more clients for your commercial cleaning service? While advertising is definitely a key component in…

My Startup Idea Can Be Easily Stolen. What Do I Do?

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Unfortunately, it can also mean big trouble if you are trying…