Gene Marks

All Gene Marks Articles

5 Tips for Selling Your Products Online

In today's market, you'll want to sell your products to as wide of an audience as possible. That's why it's…

How to Have a Successful Career in Accounting

In order to become a successful accountant, you'll need to cultivate a value creation mindset. Doing so will enable you…

How to Choose a Credit Card for Business and Pay It Off

Credit cards are a strong option for short-term financing. Learn tips for choosing the right credit card for your small…

How Employers Can Help Employees With Their Student Debt

Offering student loan repayment as a benefit at your small business not only shows that you care about the financial…

What Is the New Rule Impacting Noncompete Agreements?

The Federal Trade Commission by vote of three to two, issued a new rule which effectively makes noncompete agreements ineffective.…

Family Business Succession: How Karla Took Over Her Parents’ Manufacturing Company

While it's never an easy conversation, developing a succession plan with your parents with regards to the family business can…

GenAI for Businesses: How to Write the Perfect Prompt

To get the most out of their generative AI tools, small business owners need to be able to write precise…

Three Ways You Can Help Your Employees Get Child Care

A recent study found that child care is a growing problem for employees of small businesses. In fact, childcare issues…

5 Scams Every Small Business Owner Should Know About

Whether it's email compromise or phony invoices, small businesses are often targets of scams. To help, we've identified five scams…

Lessons and Advice for Growing a Restaurant Business

Passion, a strong work ethic and having a genuine concern for your employees are all important when it comes to…

New Survey: Small Business Optimism Falls to a More Than 11-Year Low

The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) just released their monthly small business optimism index and found that optimism fell…