Business Management

How to Ask for Testimonials Without Sounding Desperate

Fact: A stranger's review has more impact on your customer's purchase decision than any of your marketing or advertising efforts.…

How to Unplug and Take a Real Vacation as a Small Business Owner

With travel opening up, the option to plan a vacation is becoming more and more appealing - even if you're…

The 9 Worst Things Your Business Can Do on Social Media

Even if you understand the ins and outs of using social media from your personal experience, running a social media…

What Are the Key Components of a Strategic Plan?

As a small business owner, you're tasked with making big decisions. How do you know if it's the right time…

6 Ways to Handle Networking as an Introvert

We've all been to those kinds of networking events where 50 strangers are packed into a room with nothing but…

What Is the Strategic Planning Process?

What is strategic planning? An effective strategic planning process involves having discussions with employees and outside vendors, as well as…

Why Is Strategic Planning Necessary?

What is strategic planning and why is it important? Strategic planning is a process for determining and aligning a business's…

What Is Strategic Planning?

What Is a Strategic Plan? What is a strategic plan? Strategic planning in small business management is the process of…

This Startup Makes Girls’ Dresses That Last for Generations

Business owner and fashion designer Elizabeth Seghezzi started hand sewing in elementary school, but she didn’t get her first sewing machine until she…

This Entrepreneur Grew His Business by “Getting Waisted”

Bill Glazer is a man on a mission. He wants everyone to "get waisted." No, it's not a misspelling and,…