Business Management

How to Choose a Registered Agent for Your LLC or Corporation

Planning to run your small business as a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation? You'll need to choose a…

7 Technology Trends in Business

Imagine doing business without accounting software, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform or even business email. It's hard to consider…

How to Create Social Media Videos to Market Your Small Business

When it comes to video marketing, social media has leveled the playing field for small business owners. You don't need…

8 Steps to Start a Blog for Your Small Business

Creating a blog for your company can make good business sense. For starters, it can bolster your site's ranking in…

Here’s How a Government Credit Can Help You Offer Hiring Bonuses

When you hear about big companies paying hiring bonuses to attract employees, doesn't it frustrate you? “It's not fair," you…

9 Low-Cost Marketing Ideas You Can Put Into Action Today

In today's uncertain economic times, you may be considering cutting your small business's marketing budget. But when sales are down…

If the Economy Is so Bad, Why Are Small Businesses Hiring?

It seems like we're in a recession. Or at least a slowdown, right? That's what we're reading in the news.…

9 Steps to Recession-Proof Your Small Business

No one knows for certain whether we'll enter a recession in the next year, but if you're concerned about your…

10 Tips to Make a Mobile-Friendly Business Website

If you've ever had to pinch to zoom in on a button while browsing a website from your phone, you…

Supply Chain Management: Your New Competitive Advantage

Have you ever considered whether your supply chain could become a competitive advantage? When business owners manage their supply chains…