Should You Allow Dogs in Your Small Business?

Cat and dog sleeping. Pets sleeping embracing

Here’s an interesting one: A customer walks into your business with a service dog. Is that okay with you?

Why not, right? First of all, dogs are awesome. Besides that, it seems like dogs are everywhere nowadays, and service dogs are growing in number. When traveling, I’ve had a dog as a nearby seatmate on numerous flights, and I often see people walking around town with service companions. And yet this is not just about service dogs. It’s also not uncommon to be greeted by a dog when I visit a client. Some companies—like Amazon—openly allow their employees to bring their dogs to work.

Dogs are more and more welcome everywhere, right?

Well, not exactly. One business in Colorado turned away a customer because he had what he claimed to be a service dog with him—and didn’t have the paperwork to prove it.

“She [the dog] helps me with my conditions,” the customer, a veteran who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, told the local television station, NBC Channel 11. “It’s just an important relationship.” So what was the problem?

The problem was that the business served food—and customers were complaining to management about the dog’s presence—so the owner took action. Unfortunately, state law in Colorado wasn’t exactly on her side. The law states that service dogs are allowed in restaurants (but, even though their manners are likely better than those of many people I’ve seen eating out, they’re still not allowed to actually sit at the table).

The problem was the lack of paperwork.

The owner contended that there was no indication that the dog was a service dog. But here the rules were not on her side either. Colorado regulations only require the owner to ask and rely on the customer’s response. “There’s no documentation required; it does not need to be present with the service animal,” a state official said in the television report. It is, however, a crime in Colorado if someone misrepresents an animal as a service animal.

Business owners in the state do have some recourse. If any animal, regardless of its status, acts aggressively or attacks someone, the animal and its owner can be asked to leave. This was not the case here. Bottom line: The customer was within his rights.

What are the specific laws around service animals?

Let’s clear up some confusion. First off, there’s a big difference between service dogs and emotional support animals—which may also be referred to as therapy or comfort animals—when it comes to the law.

Service dogs are trained to help with specific tasks directly related to a disability—whether it’s a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Say you’re visually impaired. Your guide dog would have to be trained as your ultimate travel tool, helping you cross the street and get you where you want to go—safely. Or maybe you’re a vet who suffers from PTSD and your service dog would be trained to make sure all the lights are on and sniff out a room to make sure you’re safe from danger.

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as the ADA, a service animal has the right to accompany their owner into any establishment, even if there is a “no pet policy.” Service animals are not pets. Yet, although you may have a disability, a doctor’s note does not make a service animal—your pup has to be trained to help you with all the things you can’t do because of your disability.

On the flipside, emotional support, therapy or comfort animals don’t require training: Their presence is a psychological benefit to their owners and is not covered under federal law. Fluffy the Cat—or any other animal providing emotional support—can’t be considered a service animal.

You’ve also probably heard the stories about fake service animals with documentation you can easily buy on the internet, or animals wreaking havoc in a shop. Fact: Federal law does not require certification or registration to prove the dog is a service animal. In fact, the U.S. Department of Justice is familiar with the fake documents sold online: “There are individuals and organizations that sell service animal certification or registration documents online. These documents do not convey any rights under the ADA and the Department of Justice does not recognize them as proof that the dog is a service animal.”

If you’re a business owner, you might think you have the right to ask for paperwork.


Business owners can ask only two questions: whether the owner is disabled, and what tasks the dog has been trained to perform. However, if the disability is pretty obvious, you can’t ask. For example, if a dog is guiding someone who is blind (or has impaired vision), you can’t ask the two questions. You also can’t ask Fido to prove his skills or grill the owner about the nature of their disability. And you definitely can’t issue them a surcharge for walking into your store.

What rights do you have as a small business owner?

The individual handler is completely responsible for the behavior of their service animal and any attacks the animal makes. If their service dog wreaks havoc—out-of-control barking, jumping on people, running away, growling, etc.—and the owner doesn’t control the animal, you as the business owner have the right to deny access to any animal that disrupts your business or poses a direct threat to the health and safety of people in your place of business.

  • What if the service dog damages property? If your establishment normally charges people for the damages they cause, you can charge the owner of the service animal for any damages that occur as a result of the animal’s being in your shop.
  • What if people are allergic to or afraid of dogs? Sorry, no dice. You as the business owner have to accommodate the service dog with ample space for the dog and patrons who may have allergies or phobias.

I’m a dog owner and don’t mind seeing dogs on planes and at clients’ offices. In fact, I think it’s fun, and it makes me smile. But I get that some people don’t like this—they may have fears, allergies, or just prefer not to be around animals while they travel, eat, work, or shop. In the end, dogs are dogs.

Even Amazon requires its employees to get permission from both managers and their teammates in their immediate work area in order to be allowed to bring their dogs to work. The company also requires vaccinations and has its own set of etiquette rules for both dogs and owners that require the owner…sorry, the dog…to be housebroken, well behaved, social and healthy.

Should you allow dogs in your small business?

When it comes to your customers, you need to be familiar with your state’s laws, particularly as they apply to service dogs. Most I’ve found are similar to Colorado’s. And know that while state laws may be slightly different, all states have to comply with federal laws. To find out the specifics of state laws, head over to your state website and search for rules under the ADA. Or you can Google “service dog laws in [your state].”

For your employees, it’s all about the workplace, but know that bringing Fido into the office is different from someone who requires the presence of a service dog, which has to be accommodated under the law.

If we’re talking about pets, have a conversation with your employees and set rules for your business, modifying them when appropriate. It’s not fair to make anyone feel uncomfortable at their job, so ask first. Do a test period. Come up with a policy similar to Amazon’s. And always reserve the right, as the business owner, to override your policy if you feel there are safety or happiness concerns.

But, if all goes well, then sure—let ’em in. There’s no better way to bring a little happiness into your office than to introduce a friendly dog.

Tell us: Do you allow animals to enter your store, office, or restaurant? If so, does this apply to service animals only, or to all animals?

Chloe Silverman:

View Comments (239)

  • What happens if they bring a service animal to a medical facility, but are unable to tend to the animal? I have seen a dog brought to the ER and the owner needed a 1 hour MRI. No one knew what to do with the dog, so an ER staff member had to sit with the dog for an hour. Also, what if someone needs a procedure and must lay flat and their dog is not secured and walking around the clinic? What are the rights in these situations?

  • I own a dance studio and I, on occasion, bring my own 2 dogs to the studio. They are well trained and the kids love playing fetch between classes. I've had people bring emotional support dogs in and have them well under control. I've had people bring small pets in to show me or say hello. I love it and will continue my open policy.

  • I don’t agree with this at all. The author is clearly biased for dogs. I have an extreme allergic reaction to dogs mainly and I’m tired of being put beneath animals.

    Who gets priority a human or a dog. It’s almost always the dog.

  • Service animals only,
    We are a chain of restuarants.
    And almost always get at least one complaint either there on the spot or by receiving a 1 star review a short time later for allowing dogs in the restaurant. Stuck between a hard place (the law) and a rock (paying habitual customers).

  • We bring our dog to work everyday. Everyone loves seeing him and he even has a few business neighbors trained to give him treats (provided by us). We put a sign on our front door, Friendly Dog Inside, so for people who don't want to be around dogs, they can let us know. Cooper, the dog, makes everyone smile.

  • I work in a small financial office and the owner brings his dog to work every day. She has been coming since she was 8 weeks old. It is a joy to have her and almost everyone in the building is happy to see her in the hallways and elevators. Some of the other tenants even request visits with her. When entering the elevator with the dog, we always ask if the other people are comfortable with her being in the elevator with them. Most people are happy about it. There is only one woman in the building who is afraid of dogs and I do my best to be respectful of her feelings.

  • Hello,
    We have a family run family owned business, hair salon- barber shop, we have our springer doodle," George" come to the salon everyday, he's been coming since he was a pup and he is now 6. There's not a day that goes by that people are excited to see him, UPS drivers and our mail carriers, and especially our clients. Its a hair salon, so yes we are always sweeping and cleaning up. but he really doesn't shed that much if any, and if anyone has an allergy to dogs, we are all good there to , because he is considered hypoallergenic . We do have maybe 2 customers who have a fear of dogs, so we do put him behind the counter until the customer leaves. We also allow clients to bring there dogs, we just ask them as long as they are good with other dogs, i don't mind having a friend come visit with George. Thank you, this was a good read and wanted to throw it out there that a lot of our family pets are sometimes better behaved then children or adults, so they are always welcomed....sometimes preferred!!! LOL

  • Thanks for your article. I wanted to clarify one item... you mentioned that "Business owners can ask only two questions: whether the owner is disabled, and what tasks the dog has been trained to perform.". This is not accurate. You cannot ask if someone is disabled which implies you want to know their disability. However you can ask if the dog (only dogs qualify as service animals) is a service dog and what task it performs. Additionally, you cannot ask the dog to perform the service task. Thanks again for your article!!

  • Hi -
    Our business was located in a four story office building and we brought our golden retriever to the office every day. At lunch time, staff from other businesses located in the building would come into our reception area to "decompress" by visiting with the dog. It was a win, win, win situation for all. We got to meet our "neighbors", the dog received lots of love, and people went back to work "refreshed". Our UPS and FEDEX
    drivers tried to out-do each other by teaching the dog tricks. All good and we are thankful for those memories.

  • Virginia Health Code states dogs are allowed into a cafe or restaurant setting if they are service animals. We, too, are not allowed to ask anything other than "is that a service animal." We do allow customers with a dog to come in to place their order, but they are not "allowed" to stay in if their dog is not a service animal. Fortunately, we have two outdoor seating areas, so when the weather is appropriate, our customers dogs can sit outside. We always have the water bowl filled!!

    Our concerns inside the cafe are dog hair, their sneezing, ;-) or reactions to others. So far, we have not had any issues and customers are very understanding.

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